Japan Off Road Winter Championship

(Source: Yokomo)

It's winter, and Offroad fans once again gathered at the winter festival known as the Winter Championships held at Yatabe Arena. Traction was fairly good, as most of the surface gaps were removed when the layout was changed. While the layout featured several flat sections, other parts of the track were quite technical, with sections such as a connected-M washboard, and a high-banked corner followed by a quad jump. Overall, the layout required both speed and technique. Controlled tyres were used for both 2WD and 4WD buggy classes to help maintain lower running costs, as well as providing equal conditions, in hopes that everyone would find the racing more enjoyable. Classes such as Stock Buggy, Vintage Class, High-Jump and 1/18th Mini Buggy, were also offered to entice entry-level participation. The event turned out to be quite popular, with a large turnout of 227 entries (... suite on Yokomo's website)


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