M,race - Digi Grip

(Source: M,race)

Digi Grip Usage Example:

Caution! Don't use Digi Grip for tires coated by any additives from other manufacturer as it may cause less effectiveness.Shake sufficiently before use.

1. Clean the surface of tires using DG tire care cleaner.
2. Supply a sufficient layer of Digi Grip to the surface of tires.
3. Leave it for 5-10 minutes.
.... - Leaving longer time results stronger grip.
4. Warm tires up for 5-10 minutes.
.... - Warming up longer time results longer last (too long warming may cause evaporation)
.... - Suggested Warming up time: 5-10 minutes at 60-70C (according to our test)
5. Wipe the surface and now ready to run.

DG04 - Digi Grip Response - Viscosity #10

Gives light & smooth handling on High-grip surface without speed dropping at a corner.

Volume 100ml - Red label

Digi Grip

#DG01 - Digi Grip - Viscosity #20

Intermediate type.

Volume 100ml

Digi Grip

#DG05 - Digi Grip Advance - Viscosity #30

Provide more traction.Suited for low-grip or bad condition surface.

Volume 100ml - Blue Label

Digi Grip

#DG02 - Digi Grip Tire Care Cleaner

Under concept of "clean without destroying rubber surface", DG Tire Care Cleaner is developed as the one and only cleaner for rubber tire solely.Use it with Digi Grip can extend life time of tires longer.

Volume 300ml

Hand-pump type bottle

Digi Grip

#DG03 - Digi Grip Tire Care Cleaner Refilling

Digi Grip


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