Euro 1/10 nitro touring 200mm - Heemstede - pictures

(Source: Alvar Balzer)

After a heavy rain on Monday, all the drivers could now appreciate the nice track of Heemstede. We just received some pictures made by the Swiss driver Alvar Balzer.

Alvar also seen the new RB Product "SpeedLine Matrix R" engine on the Serpent 720 of the French driver Jacky Mouton, and takes some pictures for the RC Infos readers.

Euro 1/10 nitro touring 200mm - Heemstede
Wednesday Morning: sun at Heemstede

Euro 1/10 nitro touring 200mm - Heemstede
RB Product "SpeedLine Matrix R" engine on the Serpent 720 of Jacky Mouton (France)

Euro 1/10 nitro touring 200mm - Heemstede
Serpent 720 of Jacky Mouton (France)

Euro 1/10 nitro touring 200mm - Heemstede
Traugott Schär (center) and Monika Ackermann (right) from Switzerland

Euro 1/10 nitro touring 200mm - Heemstede
Michael Salven


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