1/10 TC Efra Touring - 5 cells / 1350g.

(Source: RC Infos )

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New Efra rule for 1/10 TC: 5 cells / 1350g.

After the problems of overheating due to the increase in the power delivered by the current accumulators met last months, Efra takes the decision to reduce the number of cells from 6 to 5.

This decision seems to go contrary to the evolution that Lipo represent (NiMh would disappear in a few years), but can be transitory time to find more adapted technical solutions.

It is a strong shame that we now have categories 4 elements (1/12), 5 elements (1/10 TC) and 6 elements (1/10 buggy), that does not support in any case the pilots who practise several categories. This decision thus does not have anything economic, except for those which make only one category, and which did not adopt Lipo for the training yet.

Other rules:

-Neodym magnets autorised.
-Receiver battery prohibited.

Other information will be published soon by Efra.


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